
Hi, I’m Erik Deiters. I help people find a path to thriving and renewal from my offices in San Francisco and Sonoma County, where our Thriving Oak Center is unfolding.  I am dedicated to providing effective,  compassionate care for all whom I  have the privilege of serving.  I serve as guide, ally, and fierce guardian of my clients’ well-being.

I help men and others  get what they need to move forward in their lives. And to  claim a life fuller of  purpose and  personal power.  My varied experiences have prepared me to approach the mystery of each client with a sense of wonder and compassion.  I meet you where you are with unconditional respect, trusting the rhythm and wisdom of your life to lead the way in your healing journey.

I celebrate the gifts that mid-life has brought me as a therapist with a varied  background in construction, hospitality, professional psychology, and the criminal justice system. My personal challenges have included a history of substance abuse (proudly in recovery for 12 years) and a lifelong struggle with depression. As a  “wounded healer.” I have found in my suffering and journey through the dark side of human experience a gift that lights my way as a licensed therapist.  My personal history has shaped in me a  deep capacity to accompany others on their healing journey, Many years spent living as an expat (Kenya, Switzerland, Indonesia) facilitate my ability to serve a beautifully diverse group of clients. 

It would be an honor and pleasure  to connect with you, to hear your story, and explore the possibilities of working together.  

Please call, e-mail or text to schedule a free initial consultation.


GLBTQ+ and sexual  identity issues, anxiety, substance use, trauma, dissociatve disorders, life transitions (coming out, aging), mood disorders (bipolar depression, relationship issues (couples, thruples), justice involved.


Everyone is unique and clients benefit from different modalities at different stages in their journey.  I find value in narrative (story-telling), EMDR, NLP, CBT and  psychodynamic approaches.

Select Professional Experience: 

  • Psychotherapist in private practice (Rodgers & Deiters) 2016-present

  • SF Therapy Collective, psychotherapist (2017-present)

  • Program Director, Mentor and Peer Support Program, SF City Jail (2016-present)

What I most cherish in life:

Spending my weekends with my cats, dogs  and husband on my country property, mowing the lawn on my lawn tractor, my beloveds, my work relationships, the plants around me, my clients.

My fees are:

Individual (50 min) $200
Couple (50 min) $230
Individual (80 min) $300
Couple (80 min) $345
2-hour EMDR/NLP session: $400.


MFT # 123439, State of California


USF MA Counseling Psychology 2016

Substance Abuse

BA Hospitality, Institut César Ritz, Switzerland